Friday, November 1, 2019

What is the Fundamental Task of Education?: Xi Jinping's Concept of 立德树人 [Cultivating People of Moral Character] and its Implementation Through Undergraduate University Reform in 教育部关于一流本科课程建设的实施意见 [Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Construction of First-class Undergraduate Courses]

(Pix Credit: 兰资环学院教育实践透视立德树人工程 凝心聚力锻造思想政治教育 )

Education reform has been a priority of the Xi Jinping leadership for some time.  It is a central element of "new era" theory, which links economic, political. cultural and social renovation in a tight web that each contributes to a comprehensive expression of the "new China"  under the leadership of the Communist Party.  That "new China" is a fundamentally moral project.  It elaborates a core premise that China's further economic potential can be developed only in tandem economically potent precisely because of its transposition of core socialist moral values to the constriction of society and culture as well.  That, at least, is the theory. 

But this theory requires a powerful implementation mechanism.  And that mechanism is education. Under the current leadership that sort of education reform as been high on the agenda for a number of years (e.g., Focusing on Civic Education in China--The CCP's Ideological Work Comes to the Universities: 关于进一步加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作的意见). The drivers have not changed much, but the goals are far better coordinated with the comprehensive reshaping of the political-economic m0del and its cultural basis in outlook, custom and behavior. While it may be difficult to re-form the minds of current generations, a vanguard party looks to the formation of future generations for the long term transformation of the social and political order in ways that stick. To that end education acquires a more ancient form--one that starts with the moral formation of the student as the basis on which information can be both created and disseminated.  Xi Jinping theory, when turned toward education and the socialization of the young within a morally specific trajectory of socialist modernization (the morally informed development of productive forces), informs not just the way in which students are instructed, but also the context and form of that instruction as well. 

It was perhaps with that in mind that Xi Jinping set about to elaborate the fundamental task of education (习近平这样阐释教育的根本任务 ["Cultivating People of Moral Character," Xi Jinping explains the fundamental task of education] Xinhua News Agency [March 18 2019]). What is the fundamental task of education? The answer 立德树人 [Cultivating People of Moral Character] (with thanks to Flora Sapio for the translation of this quite complex and subtle term).

The concept was derived from a variety of Xi Jinping's statements put forward in a variety of context and then woven together by the Xinhua News Agency for wide distribution. Despite its subtleties, the term is both straightforward and at the same time intimately connected to the the larger projects of Chinese Social Credit (with its foundation in integrity; see "Blacklists and Social Credit Regimes in China"), and of building a rule-of-law Socialist society in the "New Era" (grounded in the 12 Core Socialist Values [社会主义核心价值观]). It was with that in mind that Xi Jinping noted an objective to "Integrate the cultivation of moral character into all aspects of ideological and moral education, cultural knowledge education, and social practice education, and run through basic education, vocational education, and higher education. The discipline system, teaching system, teaching material system, and management system should revolve around this goal.""

From that pronouncement consolidated in March 2019, only a short time passed before the publication by the Ministry of Education of implementation guidance first targeted to undergraduate education institutions and is reflected in the 教育部关于一流本科课程建设的实施意见 [Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Construction of First-class Undergraduate Courses].  The idea is to reshape education to suit the "New Era." To that end, education is understood first as a moral project within which it is possible to infuse the most forward looking approaches to the instruction in particular fields, all understood, of course, within the moral framework that shapes the educational project in the first place.  The object is to give content to and provide a disciplined and measurable delivery system for moral character education as overseen by the vanguard as the guardians of morals, ethics, and integrity.
(用故事和事实告诉学生人生哲理,形象生动,文字配画面增强说服力,把“大德育”化身为“小水滴”,改“大水漫灌”为“精准滴灌”。涉及的内容十分丰富,包括科学知识、感恩教育、名人典故、我的中国梦、感动中国、讲评时事、国家法律法规、生活常识、教育改革与发展、传统文化、职业素养、工匠精神等,“个个都充满正能量”。"It tells students the philosophy of life with stories and facts. The image is vivid, the text is enhanced with persuasiveness, and the "great moral education" is transformed into "small water droplets". The flood irrigation is “precise drip irrigation”. The content involved is very rich, including scientific knowledge, grateful education, celebrity allusions, my Chinese dream, moving China, commenting on current affairs, national laws and regulations, common sense of life, education reform and development, traditional culture, professionalism, craftsmanship, etc., Everyone is full of positive energy."兰资环学院教育实践透视 supra.).

The idea is profound, but not unique to China (see, e.g.,Education to Meet the Labor Needs of Markets--Cuba Changes its Approach to University Education).  It reflects a certain all around approach to education that sees it intimately tied to both moral projects, and to the project of the perfectibility of humanity within the framework in which instruction acquires both meaning and direction--its rationality.  The connection between education, labor markets and political-societal socialization runs deep in the West as well. In this sense there is much that ties this approach to that of Pope John Paul II in the encyclical Fides et Ratio: On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason (discussed in Fides et Ratio: Religion and Law in Legal Orders Suffused by Faith) ("This is to say that with the light of reason human beings can know which path to take, but they can follow that path to its end, quickly and unhindered, only if with a rightly tuned spirit they search for it within the horizon of faith. Therefore, reason and faith cannot be separated without diminishing the capacity of men and women to know themselves, the world and God in an appropriate way." Fides et Ratio ¶ 16). 

The core pronouncements of Xi Jinping follow (in the original Chinese and with crude English translation. The important Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Construction of First-class Undergraduate Courses (教育部关于一流本科课程建设的实施意见 ) also follow in English and Chinese., including the important annex on implementation (“双万计划”国家级一流本科课程 推荐认定办法).


1. A good teacher should know that when choosing a teacher to choose responsibility, it is necessary to fulfill the responsibility of teaching and educating people, and establishing the responsibility to the ordinary, ordinary and subtle teaching management.
——September 9th, 2014, a speech with representatives of teachers and students of Beijing Normal University

2, the foundation of colleges and universities is the cultivation the moral character of people (立德树人). Only a university that has developed top-notch talents can become a world-class university.
——From December 7 to 8, 2016, at the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities

3. We must persist in taking people of moral character  (立德树人) as the central link, and carry out ideological and political work throughout the whole process of education and teaching, realize the whole process of educating people, educate people in all directions, and strive to create a new situation in the development of higher education in China.
——From December 7 to 8, 2016, at the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities

4. It is necessary to comprehensively implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental tasks of cultivating people of moral character (立德树人), develop quality education, promote education equity, and cultivate socialist builders and successors of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic development.
——Report on the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 18, 2017

5, people have no morality, the foundation of educating people is the cultivation of morality (). This is the dialectic of talent cultivation. It is necessary to respect this law in running a school, otherwise it will not be easy to learn.
——A speech at the Peking University Teacher-Student Symposium on May 2, 2018

6. The effectiveness of morally cultivated people should be taken as the fundamental criterion for testing all the work of the school. It is true to educate people and educate people to continuously improve students' ideological level, political consciousness, moral quality and cultural accomplishment. Keeping the morals and strict personalities.
——A speech at the Peking University Teacher-Student Symposium on May 2, 2018

7. Internalize the the cultivation of people of moral character into the construction and management of various fields, all aspects, and various links in the university, and take the tree as the core and the moral character as the foundation.
——A speech at the Peking University Teacher-Student Symposium on May 2, 2018

8. We must work hard to strengthen moral cultivation, educate and guide students to cultivate and practice the core values ​​of socialism, and earnestly improve their moral character, and become a person with great love and great feelings.
-- Speech at the National Education Conference on September 10, 2018

9. We must deepen the reform of the education system, improve the implementation mechanism for the cultivation of moral character, reverse the unscientific evaluation of education evaluation, and resolutely overcome the stubborn diseases of only scores, only advancement, diplomas, essays, and only hats, and fundamentally solve education. Evaluate the baton problem.
-- Speech at the National Education Conference on September 10, 2018

10. Integrate the cultivation of moral character into all aspects of ideological and moral education, cultural knowledge education, and social practice education, and run through basic education, vocational education, and higher education. The discipline system, teaching system, teaching material system, and management system should revolve around this goal. To design, teachers should teach around this goal, and students should learn around this goal. Anything that is not conducive to achieving this goal must be resolutely changed.
-- Speech at the National Education Conference on September 10, 2018




2019-10-31 19:54 来源: 教育部网站
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 Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Construction of First-class Undergraduate Courses
2019-10-31 19:54 Source: Ministry of Education website

Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Construction of First-class Undergraduate Courses
Jiao Gao [2019] No. 8

The Education Department of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (Education Committee), the Education Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Education Department (Bureau) of the relevant departments (units), and the higher education institutions and ministries and universities of the higher education institutions:

The curriculum is the core element of talent cultivation, and the quality of the course directly determines the quality of personnel training. In order to implement the important exposition of General Secretary Nakagawa’s education on education and the spirit of the National Education Conference, and to implement the requirements of the National Undergraduate Education Work Conference of the New Era, it is necessary to deepen the reform of education and teaching, and the results of teaching reform must be implemented in curriculum construction. The following implementation opinions are proposed on the construction of first-class undergraduate courses.

First, the overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the fundamental tasks of cultivating the moral character of people, and use the achievements of the cultivation of morals as the fundamental criterion for testing all the work of colleges and universities, and explore various courses and The ideological and political education elements contained in the teaching methods, and the construction of first-class undergraduate courses that meet the requirements of the new era, so that the courses are excellent, the teachers are strong, the students are busy, the management is strict, and the results are real, forming a first-class undergraduate with Chinese characteristics and world-class level. The curriculum system builds a higher level talent training system.

(II) Overall goal

Comprehensively carry out first-class undergraduate curriculum construction, establish a new concept of curriculum construction, promote curriculum reform and innovation, implement scientific curriculum evaluation, strictly manage curriculum, establish professors to class, eliminate "water courses", cancel "clean examinations" and other hard rules, and consolidate grassroots teaching Organization, improve teachers' teaching ability, improve the quality-oriented curriculum construction incentive mechanism, and form multi-type and diversified teaching content and curriculum system. After three years or so, the first-class undergraduate course at the national level and the state-level 10,000-dollar provincial level (referred to as the first-class undergraduate course “Double 10,000 Plan”) was established.

(3) Basic principles

- Adhere to the classification construction. According to the orientation of colleges and universities and the orientation of talent training, we will build a first-class undergraduate course that meets the needs of innovative, compound and applied talents, and achieve full coverage of first-class undergraduate courses in different types of colleges and universities.

——Insist on strengthening the Fute. Efforts will be made to guide the "double-first-class" construction of universities and colleges and universities to play a leading role in the demonstration, focusing on creating a number of high-level courses to provide strong support for the development of outstanding talents. We will focus on supporting courses that have already built foundations and achieved clear teaching results, so that superiors are better and stronger. Emphasis on the construction of featured courses and the diversification of first-class undergraduate courses.

- Improve high-level. The goal of the course is to adhere to the organic integration of knowledge, ability and quality, and to cultivate students' comprehensive ability and advanced thinking in solving complex problems. The course emphasizes breadth and depth, breaks through the habitual cognitive model, and fosters students' in-depth analysis, bold questioning, and the spirit and ability to be innovative.

- Highlight innovation. The teaching content reflects the frontier and the times, and timely introduces the frontiers of academic research and technological development into the curriculum. The teaching method reflects the advanced nature and interaction, vigorously promotes the deep integration of modern information technology and teaching, and actively guides students to conduct inquiry and individualized learning.

- Increase the degree of challenge. The curriculum design adds research, innovation, and comprehensive content, plus college students' learning input, and scientific “increased burden”, allowing students to experience the learning challenge of “jumping before they can get”. Strictly assess the evaluation of the test, and enhance the students' sense of accomplishment after hard work and harvesting ability and quality improvement.

Second, the construction content

(1) Change the concept and bring new ideas. Leading the development of first-class undergraduate courses with new ideas. Firmly establish the "three unqualified" concept, erect the "high-voltage line", the colleges that do not focus on undergraduate education are not qualified colleges, the secretary who does not attach importance to undergraduate education is not a qualified secretary, and the professor who does not participate in undergraduate teaching is not a qualified professor. . Promote the concept of curriculum ideological and political development to form a broad consensus, and build a full-scale education system for all employees. Establish the concept of student center, output orientation, and continuous improvement, enhance the high-level curriculum, highlight the innovation of the curriculum, and increase the challenge of the curriculum.

(2) Goal-oriented and the course is excellent. Target-oriented and strengthen curriculum construction. Based on the needs of economic and social development and the goal of talent training, we will optimize the reconstruction of teaching content and curriculum system, break the curriculum of the school, eliminate the compulsory courses, set off classes for people, eliminate the "water class", and set a new benchmark for curriculum construction. "Double-class" construction of colleges and universities, colleges and universities must clearly require academicians of the two academies, national "Thousand Talents Plan", "Millions of Plan" experts, "Changjiang Scholars Awards" selected, national outstanding young science fund winners, etc. Level talents build famous courses, teach basic courses and professional basic courses, and build a group of first-class undergraduate courses with Chinese characteristics and world level. Focusing on the construction of new engineering, new medical science, new agricultural science and new liberal arts, reflecting the integration of multidisciplinary thinking, the integration of industrial technology and subject theory, the integration of interdisciplinary capabilities, the integration of multidisciplinary projects, and the construction of a group of innovative and compound talents. First-class undergraduate course. Serve the main battlefield of economic and social development in the service area, deepen the integration of production and education, and educate people, and build a group of first-class undergraduate courses to train applied talents.

(3) Improve the ability and strengthen the teacher. Enhance the teaching ability of teachers by training training as a key point. Colleges and universities should realize the full coverage of grassroots teaching organizations, all teachers should be included in grassroots teaching organizations, strengthen teaching research, regularly prepare lessons for classes, discuss curriculum design, strengthen the construction of teaching echelon, improve the teaching assistant system, and play a good role in “passing the band”. To achieve full coverage of young teachers' on-the-job training, new recruiting teachers must go through the courses of assisting classes, trials, assessments, etc., and obtain certificates issued by the school training departments such as the Teacher Teaching Development Center. To achieve full coverage of teachers' vocational training and lifelong learning, and to promote the normalization of teacher training, the training credits are necessary for the regular registration of teachers and the assessment of teachers.

(4) The reform method, the classroom will live. Innovative teaching methods for the purpose of improving teaching results. Strengthen the classroom design, solve the problem of how to talk about good lessons, and eliminate the phenomenon of pure knowledge transfer and neglect of ability and quality training. Strengthen the deep integration of modern information technology and education, solve the problem of innovation in teaching and learning mode, and eliminate the simplification and formalization of information technology application. Strengthen teacher-student interaction, interaction between students and students, solve problems of innovative and critical thinking, and eliminate the phenomenon that teachers are full of students and students are passively listening.

(5) Scientific evaluation, students are busy. Improve the process evaluation system with a focus on stimulating learning motivation and professional interest. Strengthen the evaluation of students' internal and external classroom, online and offline learning, strengthen the reading and reading ability, and improve the breadth of curriculum learning. Strengthen research-based and project-based learning, enrich the evaluation methods such as inquiry, essay, and report defense, and improve the depth of course learning. Strengthen non-standardized and comprehensive evaluations to enhance the challenge of curriculum learning. "Double-class" construction of colleges and universities, colleges and universities to build universities should expand the choice of students' courses, and strengthen the difficulty and challenge of the curriculum.

(6) Strengthen management and tighten the system. Strict curriculum management with a focus on improving system execution. Institutions of higher learning should strictly implement the teaching system for undergraduates, and they will not be responsible for the undergraduate courses for professors and associate professors for three consecutive years. Strictly implement the state's requirements for students and teachers in colleges and universities, and complete the faculty. Strictly implement the curriculum access system, play the role of the school's teaching steering committee, and refuse the “water class” into the classroom. Strict examination discipline, strict examination and graduation exit, and resolutely cancel the "clean examination." Strict course quality assessment, increase the weight of course evaluation in professional certification and teaching evaluation.

(7) Policy incentives and teaching heat up. Incentives are formulated with the contribution of teaching as the core content. Increase the support of curriculum construction, increase the incentives for excellent courses and teachers, increase the weight of teaching performance in the evaluation of professional and technical positions, and create a good atmosphere that emphasizes the reform and construction of undergraduate courses.

Third, the implementation of the first-class undergraduate course double million plan

(1) Identifying the first-class undergraduate courses at the national level. Focus on the innovation, demonstration and promotion of innovative, compound and applied talent training courses. On the basis of the cultivation of colleges and universities, from 2000 to 2021, complete 4,000 national first-class online courses (National Excellent online open courses), about 4,000 national-level first-class courses, about 6,000 national-level online and offline mixed-class courses, about 1,500 national virtual simulation experiment teaching first-class courses, and about 1,000 national-level social practice first-class courses Work, specific recommendations for identification methods are attached.

(2) Identifying the first-class undergraduate courses at the provincial level. According to the requirements of this implementation opinion, the provincial education administrative departments shall, according to the needs of regional higher education reform and development, organize and implement the first-class undergraduate curriculum construction plan in the region. Recommend national first-class courses, pay attention to solving the long-standing education and teaching problems in colleges and universities in the region, adapt to local conditions, adapt to the school system, and build a provincial first-class undergraduate course according to the curriculum, and report to the Ministry for the record.

Fourth, organization management

(1) The Ministry of Education is responsible for coordinating and guiding the construction of first-class undergraduate courses, and organizing relevant experts and institutions to study and formulate relevant standards and norms for the construction, application and management of first-class undergraduate courses. Announce the results of the national first-class undergraduate course recommendation.

(2) The provincial-level education administrative department shall study and formulate the implementation plan for the first-class undergraduate course construction at the provincial level, formulate supporting policies for promoting the first-class undergraduate curriculum construction and teaching reform in the region, and build a provincial first-class undergraduate course. Strengthen the management of provincial curriculum service platforms and actively promote the open sharing of first-class undergraduate courses.

(3) Colleges and universities should optimize the curriculum system and do a good job in the construction of first-class undergraduate curriculum. Form an excellent team of teachers to build a first-class undergraduate course. Establish an incentive mechanism for campus curriculum construction, improve support policies, and improve curriculum management and evaluation mechanisms. "Double-class" construction of colleges and universities, universities and colleges must take the lead in building first-class undergraduate courses.

(4) The teaching guidance committee of colleges and universities should strengthen the theoretical research and classification guidance of curriculum construction, organize the formulation of guidelines for the construction of first-class undergraduate courses in relevant majors, and guide universities to gather excellent teachers to jointly build curriculum groups and share high-quality curriculum resources.

(5) The course service platform undertakes the main responsibility of first-class undergraduate course services and data security, and cooperates with course review and online teaching activities. To continuously update and improve the level of technical and data services, monitor and combat bad learning behavior. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the curriculum platforms.

(6) The colleges and universities affiliated to the central department shall make full use of various resources such as the “Special Education and Teaching Reform of the Central University” to support the construction of first-class undergraduate courses. Local universities co-ordinate local finance higher education funds and the central government supports local college reform and development funds to support first-class undergraduate curriculum construction.

Attachment: "Double Thousand Plan" National First-class Undergraduate Course Recommendations

Ministry of Education
October 24, 2019


"Double Million Program" national first-class undergraduate course
Recommended method

First, the recommended range

Undergraduate courses that include undergraduate colleges and universities with talent training programs and credits can be recommended, including ideological and political theory courses, public basic courses, professional basic courses, professional courses, and general courses, such as undergraduate theoretical courses, experimental courses, and social practice courses.

Second, the recommended type and plan

(1) Online first-class courses. That is, the national boutique online open course, highlighting quality, openness, sharing, and creating a Chinese motto brand. Completed the identification of about 4,000 national online open courses, and built a national-level boutique motto system with richer content, more reasonable structure and more comprehensive categories.

(2) The first-class course under the line. It mainly refers to face-oriented courses, focusing on improving students' comprehensive ability, reshaping the course content, innovating teaching methods, breaking the silent state of the classroom, revitalizing the vitality of the classroom, and giving full play to the main position of the classroom teaching, the main channel and the main battlefield. . It is recognized that there are about 4,000 national-level first-class courses.

(3) Online and offline mixed-class courses. Mainly refers to the use of appropriate digital teaching tools based on MOOC, exclusive online courses (SPOC) or other online courses, combined with the actual transformation of the school curriculum, and arrange 20% -50% of the teaching time to implement online self-learning of students, and Under the line, we will combine the organic combination of flipping classrooms and mixed teaching to create a hybrid “golden class” that combines online courses with classroom teaching in our school. Strongly advocate the application of online and offline hybrid quality courses based on the national boutique online open course application. It has identified about 6,000 national-level online and offline mixed-class courses.

(4) First-class courses in virtual simulation experiment teaching. Efforts to solve real experimental conditions are not available or practical difficulties, involving high-risk or extreme environments, high costs, high consumption, irreversible operations, large-scale comprehensive training and other issues. Completed the first-class curriculum certification of 1500 national virtual simulation experiment teaching, and formed an experimental teaching system for higher education informationization with reasonable professional layout, excellent teaching effect and open sharing.

(5) First-class courses in social practice. With the goal of cultivating students' comprehensive abilities, we will promote ideological and political education, professional education and social services through activities such as “Youth Red Dreaming Journey”, “Internet +” College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Ideological and Political Theory Courses. Combine and cultivate students' awareness of and ability to understand society, study society, understand society and serve the society, and build a first-class curriculum in social practice. The course should be a non-internship and training course incorporated into the talent training program, equipped with theoretical instructors, and has a stable practice base. More than 70% of the students go to the grassroots level to ensure the standardization and sustainable development of the course. It has identified about 1,000 national first-class courses in social practice.

Third, the recommended conditions

The recommended course must be constructed and improved after at least two semesters or two teaching cycles. It has achieved substantial reform results, has distinctive features and good teaching effects in similar courses, and promises continuous improvement after being selected. In line with the basic forms and special requirements of relevant types of courses, it has substantial innovations in the following aspects, and has great reference and promotion value.

(1) Advanced teaching concepts. Adhering to the Lide tree people, reflecting the development of students as the center, we are committed to opening up the students' inner potential and learning motivation, and paying attention to the comprehensive development of students' moral, intellectual, and artistic development.

(2) The teaching achievements of the course teaching team are remarkable. The curriculum team has a strong sense of teaching reform, advanced concepts, and a reasonable division of personnel and tasks. The lecturer has a good teacher-teacher style, rich teaching experience, high academic attainments, active participation in teaching reform, strong teaching ability, and the ability to use new technology to improve teaching efficiency and improve teaching quality.

(3) The objectives of the course effectively support the achievement of the training objectives. The objectives of the course are in line with the school's school orientation and talent training objectives, and focus on the cultivation of knowledge, ability and quality.

(4) The curriculum design is scientific and reasonable. The overall planning is carried out around the goal achievement, teaching content, organization implementation and multi-evaluation needs. The teaching strategy, teaching methods, teaching process and teaching evaluation are reasonable.

(5) The content of the course keeps pace with the times. The content structure of the course is in line with the law of student growth. The knowledge system is dynamically updated according to the frontier dynamics of the discipline and the needs of social development. It is in line with the curriculum objectives. The selection of teaching materials is in line with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and the school's teaching materials. The teaching resources are rich and diverse, reflecting ideological, scientific and contemporary.

(6) Teaching organization and implementation highlight the status of the student center. According to the students' cognitive rules and acceptance characteristics, the innovative teaching and learning model, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, promoting communication and interaction between teachers and students, students, resource sharing, knowledge generation, timely feedback, and significant teaching results.

(7) Course management and evaluation are scientific and measurable. The teacher's preparation for class preparation is clear, and the students' study management is strict. Diversified assessment and evaluation for teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching organization, etc., the process can be traced back, and the diagnosis improvement is positive and effective. The teaching process is complete and can be used for supervision.

Fourth, the recommended way

In addition to the online first-class courses, virtual simulation experiment teaching first-class courses continue to be implemented according to relevant documents, the following first-class courses, online and offline mixed-class courses and social practice first-class courses use the following recommended methods.

(1) Total recommended amount

The Ministry of Education determines the total amount of recommendations according to the national first-class offline courses, the first-class online and offline mixed-class courses and the three-year plan for the first-class social practice courses, which are respectively issued to the universities affiliated to the central departments and the provincial-level educational administrative departments.

(2) Sub-track recommendation

According to the characteristics of the university's colleges and universities, the local colleges and universities, and the characteristics of the training objectives, the track is recommended and the number of places is divided. The recommended courses for colleges and universities in the provinces are included in the college track of the central department.

(3) Recommended method

The colleges and universities affiliated to the central department and the provincial education administrative departments shall recommend within the prescribed annual cap amount according to the three-year recommended amount issued by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education directly reports to the Ministry of Education directly under the Ministry of Education. The universities and departments of other central departments are jointly reported to the Ministry of Education with the approval of the competent authorities; the local colleges and universities are uniformly reported to the Ministry of Education by the provincial education administrative department.

(4) Recommended material requirements

The course team is required to submit a report, a video of the lecture (including teaching philosophy, curriculum design, curriculum implementation, reform effectiveness, etc.) and other supporting materials within 10 minutes.

V. Ways of identification

The education department organizes experts to identify the recommended courses and publish them to the public after publicity. For members of the course team who have problems with teachers' morality, academic misconduct, major teaching accidents within five years, and ideological and scientific problems in the course content, a one-vote veto is implemented.

Sixth, identify the course management

The Ministry of Education implements dynamic management of recognized national first-class courses, and monitors the actual application, teaching effects and sharing of the courses. Courses identified as national first-class courses must continue to be built for five years, and their construction and reform results will be displayed and shared on designated websites, and resources and data will be updated regularly. Courses that are not continuously updated, have serious quality problems, and have a teacher's morality in the course team will be revoked.
[I want to correct] Responsible editor: Zhu Ying
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