Monday, December 3, 2012

Comments on the Consideration of a Senate Resolution in Praise of University Leaders

 (Pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2012)

In a prior post, Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders (Oct. 31, 2012), I announced that at its December 2012 meeting, the Penn State University Faculty Senate will consider the following resolution, proposed at the October Senate meeting by Senator Thomas O. Beebee, Liberal Arts: 
In light of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, and the conviction and sentencing of Jerry Sandusky, the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of these crimes, and to extend its sympathy to all victims of these proven criminal actions. The Senate furthermore hereby:
·   Expresses its support for President Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance;
·   Affirms its commitment to furthering the cultures of excellence at Penn State: cultures of teaching, of scholarship and research, of service, of student philanthropy, and of student athletics;
·   Pledges its own best efforts, through its committee work, Senate Council, shared governance, and plenary meetings, to continually making Penn State a better place to work and live, and an environment where cultures of excellence can flourish.

I invited comments to aid the Senate in its deliberations.  I received many.  Some of them were posted as comments to the original message.  I received many more.  This post includes a number of comments received but not posted, along with those posted earlier as comments.  I note the following as you consider these posts: (1) a number of commentators feared to provide identifying information because they thought retaliation would be likely; that this feeling still runs so deep ought to cause us great concern; (2) the more intemperate comments were omitted; (3) emotions still run deep among some members of the Penn State community; it is not clear that ignoring or marginalizing this group is the best way top deal with the emotion; (4) it is not clear what others who declined to write in think; it would be a mistake to think that these comments express the universe of reactions. 

Without more ado, here are the comments.  I hope they help senators decide how they will approach the issue of the approval of the resolution.


Tom (et al) . . . a bit more relating to your proposed resolution to be considered at the Dec. 2012 Faculty Senate meeting.  As I (and many others) stated in earlier (blog) comments and e-mails, it is a bit premature to issue accolades for BOT "...efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability."  

As I stated in my Nov. 12 e-mail, very little has changed concerning communications and dialogue with the BOT, its members, its committees, its groups, its staff, etc. Lots of promises and contradictory statements and no follow through on "open dialogue," considering differing points-of-view, establishing a "...comprehensive communications infrastructure," "overall openness," "It is crucial that voices from all corners of the University community be heard...," etc., etc., etc. See the attachment to my Nov. 12 e-mail for more detail. 

Also . . . recently, this Collegian item ran . . . thanks for your time . . . Jim Riehl (PSU 1972)

Daily Collegian, Nov. 28, 2012 (Excerpt)

The board should reform this method and make it easier for people to voice their opinion and lessen the registration time and content restrictions. There’s very little room for dialogue with the trustee members and very little opportunity for real responses. There should be another chance outside of the meetings where people are allowed to relay their messages and concerns toward the board, with the trustees available to have conversations with those who choose to speak. There should be discussion, not just comment.
These public comment sessions are doing very little to improve the gap between the board and the community. Both parties — the board and the public — are not making these meetings as productive as they can be. Chairwoman of the Board Karen Peetz, as well as other trustees, should be available to speak with people. Each member should be equipped with information to answer the public’s questions — even the tough ones.

We are crushing an entire generation under student loan debt and all for what: guys like Spanier.  Ah well.    The line from Braveheart you're looking for is: "Nobles couldn't agree on the color of shite."  Only for 'Nobles' substitute 'faculty senators."

A: yes you were. this must make it all the more frustrating and yet immediately you think of the $$ in terms of the students. 

B: When I tried to stop this criminality in Senate I was called 'naive.' Just this one year's compensation could have provided every single one of our students at Abington a $1,000 scholarship. Every single one. Think about that.

Faculty Senate members who opposed the sending of the past chairs letter to the NCAA,

    After reading the minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting of October 16th, I have come to the conclusion that you are merely puppets of President Erickson and the cowardly Board of Trustees.  None of you want to stand up for our University. 

    The letter defended the academic honor of Penn State.  Your actions and defeat of this leter, only show that you are also not willing to defend Penn State University.  The letter asked for due process, a right afforded every citizen of the United States, but you do not care about that either.  

    As an alumnus of this great institution, I am deeply saddened by your actions.  The public's perception of Penn State is at an all time low.  You had an opportunity to help restore the perception of Penn State and you FAILED!!  The Alumni will NOT move forward until we have leadership at Penn State that will stand up for us.  We can now include the Faculty Senate on the list of administrators that do not care about the future of Penn State.  It is the faithful Alumni that will continue to fight the battle.  Once we win, the president, BOT and Faculty Senate will be thanking us for our efforts to save the university.

    Your statements say that you do not wish to have this issue brought up again.  Do you read the papers?  I would bet that there is at least 1 story a week about the Sandusky scandal.  

    I am 10000% sure that some of your facilities are due to donations solicited by Joe and Sue Paterno.  Yet you are letting the public and media ruin their great name.  I admire and respect the Paterno family so much.  They even kept their yearly $100,000 donation after the BOT fired Joe by telephone.  The university saw to it that all athletic relationships to the Paterno name were removed.  Why not the Library?  Is it because the library would be nothing without their donations?  The alumni will see to it that the name of Joe Paterno is restored.

    I only wish the alumni voted for the Faculty Senate.  We would vote you out just like we will vote out the BOT members from Nov 2011.


Dan Hall
Proud to SUPPORT Penn State!! 

In keeping with the high intellectual value of an education at PSU, I hope the faculty is teaching the principal of due process to the students. It is embarrassing to think otherwise.

As a Penn State alum, it is quite disconcerting that the faculty senate would even consider accepting and condoning BOT actions to move forward without examination of the so-called investigations by Louis Freeh that has led to the egregious, unwarranted, unproven, and potentially illegal crushing NCAA sanctions on an innocent football program.  Likewise, the Freeh Report has caused further fallout with downgradings by Middle States and other organizations.  Even our spineless and cowardly university president admitted in an interview last week that next year’s applications and enrollments are down by 10-35%!  How stupid do you people think we are!  The attitude of complete disregard to defend our university from the get go when this disaster started as the result of criminal actions by one man, Jerry Sandusky, is now spilling over to those on the faculty senate who are too intimidated by the BOT and their puppets!  This is the United States of America where due process is expected and should not be denied.  Therefore, prudence is desired for all bodies who are inclined to make decisions forced upon them without allowing the judicial process to play out.  Believe me, you do NOT have the facts you should have to make these cursory calls to accept these corrupt investigations and sanctions. 

Tom and Lisa Bradley ’71, ’74. ‘77

Not sure if my post was approved. I did not see it there. We must continue to be the voice for truth as our appointed leadership clearly has no intention to pursue it.
I believe one day history will record president-select Erickson and the “unanimous” BoT (those who fired Paterno) as the biggest failures in character and leadership the university has ever suffered through. Perhaps the Senate should be investigating bringing criminal charges against Erickson and the BoT, but absolutely NOT praising them for their spineless, short-sighted, cover your own @sses behaviors that continue to this day. We will not “move on” or rest until justice has had an opportunity to be heard.


Dear Professor Backer:

Your proposed resolution is ill conceived, poorly timed and a disgrace.  For you to even discuss something like this before the trials of Schultz, Curley and Spanier have concluded is irresponsible.
To be clear, I am one of the thousands of angry alumni who feel Dr. Erickson and the Board of Trustees is selling the University down the river.  They apparently only want to “move on” and have no interest in the truth.  Had you bothered to read any of the six or seven easily available analyses of the Freeh report, you would not mention it in your resolution.  Those analyses show that the report is severely flawed, mostly void of fact and was a gross waste of University funds.  And, I have yet to find a single person who has actually read the entire report who finds otherwise.  That the report was used by the NCAA and that President Erickson accepted the sanctions with no appeal is appalling. 
If you’d like a good summary of how the alumni feel about Ms Peetz’ and the Board of Trustees actions, you should read the first 550 comments made on the Penn State Alumni Magazine website regarding Chairwoman Peetz’s interview.  After the first 550 almost unanimous negative, but well written posts, a couple of trolls arrived to take over the comments so they are less appropriate.
Perhaps you should also consult further with the large group of your former chairs who apparently disagree with your opinion before enacting your resolution.
I tried to post this comment to the blog, but despite saying my post had been accepted after jumping through the identity hoops, it has yet to appear.  I must assume you are only looking for positive comments and see that you don’t yet have any.  This email is a copy of a comment I tried to post on the site.  If this post does not show up in the comments section, I’d like a written response as to why it has not been posted there.
Jeff Roby
Business Logistics, 1969
Tucson, AZ

For the BOT to pass this would be just another message to the world that the entire University was in fact responsible for the incomprehensible act of one man.  The board's continued stance of apologizing to the world rather than standing up for the University and asking the world to hold off judgment till all the facts are in is a complete violation of their fiduciary responsibility to the university, its students and alumni.  By the president’s own report, requests for admission are off and the University is paying millions of dollars in penalties that have yet to be proven warranted. There will be no moving on till the controversy they have created over the University through their actions is resolved by a full investigation and exposing of the facts.  Please tell the Board not to compound their previous errors and please NOT pass this resolution.


Rob Trotter

Dear Mr. Backer,

I have attempted to post a comment toward your resolution in praise of university leaders, but it doesn't seem to have been accepted. My comment is as follows:

"It is fine for the Faculty Senate to state all of the above, including in support of efforts toward greater transparency and accountability to University governance. However it would be greatly remiss to express support for Erickson and the Board of Trustees in this particular item without also expressing a great lack of confidence toward these same individuals for their handling of virtually all other aspects of this affair, and without calling for a full revamping of the University administration and governance."

Regards.......Bob Grane, class of 1977 & 1979

The faculty senate "Expresses its support for President Rodney Erickson
and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency
and accountability to university governance"

Transparency? What transparency? Is violating the Sunshine Act the BOT's
idea of transparency. The only thing I can see right through is the BOT's
CYA strategy of throwing the football program under the bus. And how can
the faculty senate support people who may be shown to be complicit when
Kathleen Kane investigates the mishandling of the SANDUSKY Sex Scandal?

I didn't think anyone at PSU could display more incompetence than the
clowns running the circus. But if the faculty senate passes this
resolution, they'll make the Rod look smart by comparison.

The only thing that makes sense in the resolution is the senate faculty's
unwittingly referring to the Freeh Report and the NCAA sanctions as

"In light of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, and the conviction and
sentencing of Jerry Sandusky, the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State
University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of THESE
crimes..." (Senator Beebee is obviously not in the English Department.)

PSU Faculty Senate:

   I wanted to respond to your proposed resolution. Although I agree with the apology portion of the resolution, I do not agree with the wording in the first furthermore statement. Penn State president Erickson and the Board of Trustees have not been more transparent and forthcoming in light of the Jerry Sandusky scandal. In fact, in view of some of the facts that have been allowed to come to light, president Erickson and the Board of Trustees have many questions to answer. Giving the alumni and others a small time window to speak at Board meetings, allowing certain groups to have a small presence in discussions, making appearances through speaking engagements and interviews is not the definition of transparency and accountability. They are no more than marketing techniques aimed at giving the superficial appearance of going the extra mile. Real transparency and accountability starts with allowing all decisions, actions, inactions and mistakes by president Erickson and the Board of Trustees before, during, and after the Jerry Sandusky scandal to be brought forth.

   President Erickson and the Board of Trustees have been pushing for the Penn State community to move on and move forward in the wake of the scandal. One missing ingredient to their recipe for success is their own accountability. When the Board of Trustees made their public apology after the Freeh Report was released to the public, it was as if they were saying, "Okay, we made mistakes, but we do not want any consequences to come our way. We want to keep our positions and just move on." This attitude of arrogance cannot continue with president Erickson and the Board of Trustees. They are accountable for their part in the Jerry Sandusky scandal, they are responsible for spending millions of university dollars on an investigation that has many more questions surrounding it than it has given answers, they are accountable for the stewardship of the university. President Erickson and the Board of Trustees have failed to accept transparency, they have failed to accept accountability, but most egregious of all they have failed to accept the consequences from their own failure to lead a university before, during, and after a horrific scandal.

   Allowing the resolution to be worded with praise and confidence in president Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees is a tragic mistake. Penn State University must be able to heal and move forward from this terrible chapter; however, allowing persons who have been entrusted with the stewardship of this great institution off scot-free will never move Penn State forward. Words like transparency and accountability cannot be thrown about like yesterday's newspaper - they must have genuine meaning. President Erickson and the Board of Trustees have manipulated these words for use in their own marketing campaigns. Please, do not allow the PSU Faculty Senate to be used in the same way.


George F. Aul     '08

Dear Professor Backer –

I have unsuccessfully attempted to post a comment regarding the resolution which was proposed by Senator Thomas O. Beebee at the October Faculty Senate meeting and which will be considered at the December meeting.  As such, I am forwarding my input to you directly in hopes that you will be able to make it available to the full Senate.  Thank you very much for your efforts in this regards!

I will first state that I am very unclear as to the objective of this resolution.  If it is, as I suspect, to show support and unity with the University President and Board of Trustees, then I believe the Senate would be extremely ill-advised to support it.

The resolution begins with the statement: “In light of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, and the conviction and sentencing of Jerry Sandusky, the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of these crimes, and to extend its sympathy to all victims of these proven criminal actions”.  The conveyance of sorrow and sympathy are appropriate; however, intended or not, this paragraph clearly lends support to the credibility and accuracy of the Freeh report and further implies appropriateness of the NCAA sanctions.  Lending such support to either is not in the best interest of Penn State.  The Freeh report is a monumental travesty which has been thoroughly analyzed and discredited.  Our University leadership’s willingness to accept it without review or analysis is a stunning display of arrogance and incompetence that the Faculty Senate should not be enabling and perpetuating by mentioning it in a resolution.  Further, the NCAA’s egregious, misguided, and (I believe) ultimately unlawful actions in this matter have caused substantial damage to the University.  Mentioning the sanctions without qualifying the Senate’s position on them will imply support of the NCAA’s actions.  I strongly suggest that references to the Freeh Report and the NCAA sanctions be omitted from any resolutions that the Senate issues.

Continuing, the second two bullets of the resolution serve absolutely no purpose.  Unless, of course, the Senate actually believes that there is a public perception that there is not already a strong university-wide commitment to cultures of excellence or that the Senate is not committed to the overall well-being of the University.  I sincerely do not believe that this is the case.  As such, I must deduce that these two bullets are essentially serving as ‘camouflage’ for the first bullet, with which I have significant issues.

Although the first bullet focuses on support for “efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance”, an obviously noble objective, the broader interpretation of the bullet will be support of the Board and the President and, in turn, their actions over the past 12 months by the University Faculty Senate.  I cannot even begin to comprehend how this could be the case.  Few groups have a greater vested interest in the well-being of Penn State than the Faculty Senate.  The Senate should be at the forefront of efforts to restore the good name of our great University, not shamefully toeing the line to promote a public perception of unity with a leadership team that has (at a minimum) abandoned their responsibilities.

By any objective standard, our University President and the Board of Trustees have failed spectacularly in the aftermath of last year’s horrific revelations.  They have been wrong at almost every step and have managed to establish a new gold standard for crisis mismanagement.  Their incompetence has severely and perhaps irreparably damaged a great university.  Their behavior demonstrates that they are more concerned about the public’s perception of the University leadership than they are about the well-being of the University.  They have allowed the actions and inactions of a very few individuals to be escalated to an indictment of the entire University and its stakeholders.  This is completely unacceptable and unforgivable for individuals in these positions. There must consequences to poor decisions and irresponsible behavior.  Unfortunately, to date, the negative consequences of our leadership’s decisions and behavior have had incredible negative impact on the University with all too little impact on themselves.

I understand that there is a strong sentiment in some circles to do whatever it takes to get the events of the past year behind us and ‘move-on’.  I too support continued focus on the future, but we cannot do this effectively until the individuals responsible for creating this disaster are removed from positions where they can and will inevitably continue to cause more damage.  I also understand that The Faculty Senate has limited influence on the Board and University President and that the Senate needs to maintain a working relationship with both.  But your larger commitment must always be to the well-being of the University.  Like it or not, issuing a resolution of support  as proposed will be interpreted as a vote of support for the Board and the President and, by association, all of the actions they have taken over the past 12 months.  This is certainly not in the best interest of Penn State.
 I strongly urge you to not affirm / ratify this resolution.  It is vastly preferable for you to remain silent than show support for our failed University leadership at this time.

Scott Ciarrocca
BSEE ‘86

Dr. Backer,

I attempted to post a comment on the upcoming Faculty Senate resolution to your blog post but I am not seeing any comments currently posted there.

I would simply like to respond that although I feel the resolution that will be on the table at the next senate meeting, at its core, is fine, the promise from transparency by Dr. Erickson and the Board of Trustees has already been shown to be hollow.  So although I would like nothing more than to support them in this endeavor, I am unable to do so.  If they were interested in transparency, we would already have the information on the vote to remove Dr. Spanier and Coach Paterno on November 9, 2011, we would have the conflict of interest information amongst the board members that was part of the Freeh report recommendations and we would have the information on the contract that was entered into with Judge Freeh.  It is my belief that President Erickson and the Board are only being transparent about those things they wish to share and are continuing to hide that which they belief would bring negativity upon them.

It is in this spirit that I respectfully ask that you and the Faculty Senate do not pledge support to the current leadership of Penn State.  This alumnus, and 1000's, if not 100's of thousands of others, are not willing to move forward with the current leadership in place.

Thank you and respectfully,

Linda Berkland
College of HHD
Class of 1987

Larry C.Becker,

Please see my comments on Senator Thomas O. Beebee's resolution w/r to the victims, President Erickson, and the Freeh Report.  Please feel free to pass them on to him.

Dear Senator Beebee,  

The victims already know our feelings of sorrow for them so a new resolution is not necessary.  Its time to  stop including  "my heart goes out to the victims" at the bottom of every University memo so no one will criticize us.    Its  time to "get over it".  As far as President Erickson being more transparent, perhaps we should wait until it happens before we pass a resolution applauding it.  All I've heard from the president's office is "I can't comment on that because it's under investigation."  Also if you believe the Freeh Report, it's time to resign.  

Richard J. Crawford Ph. D 
Penn State (1970)

I cannot support this resolution.
 I cannot support President Erickson and the Board of Trustees. By accepting the Freeh Report and the NCAA sanctions so quickly and without proper evaluation they have done serious harm to the university.
 The insinuation is that Penn State’s commitment to excellence has not been what it should be, and I disagree with that.
 This resolution gives legitimacy to the NCAA sanctions and I believe they are excessive and do not deserve support from anyone who has Penn State’s interests at heart.
 Marc Zuckerman ‘60

In light of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, and the conviction and sentencing of Jerry Sandusky, the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of these crimes, and to extend its sympathy to all victims of these proven criminal actions. The Senate furthermore hereby:

· Expresses its support for President Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance; (What Transparency. Can you name one? Accountability is reserved by this group to be everyone but them. University governance: What have they done, except sell PSU down the river, and rack up big fines ((who is paying for these? Us?)) This looks like you have been strong armed by the BOT to get in line. (Don't answer this: just let you conscience be your own guide)

· Affirms its commitment to furthering the cultures of excellence at Penn State: cultures of teaching, of scholarship and research, of service, of student philanthropy, and of student athletics;
                (Excellent - I am glad to hear this)

· Pledges its own best efforts, through its committee work, Senate Council, shared governance, and plenary meetings, to continually making Penn State a better place to work and live, and an environment where cultures of excellence can flourish.
                    (Excellent - I am glad to hear this)

JP Gunia
PSU Alumni 

In response to your upcoming December 2012 meeting, where the PSU Faculty Senate will consider the following resolution, proposed by Senator Thomas O. Beebee, Liberal Arts. 
In light of the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of these crimes, and to extend its sympathy to all victims of these proven criminal actions.  Sympathy of the victims is acceptable.
Any acceptance of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, support for President Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance is totally irresponsible.
Affirming its commitment to furthering the cultures of excellence at Penn State: cultures of teaching, of scholarship and research, of service, of student philanthropy, and of student athletics are not only acceptable they are laudable.
President Erickson, Board of Trustees and NCAA have slapped the Faculty in the face by their blatant attempts to forward the belief that athletics and in particular football ruled over academia at this University. The culture at the Pennsylvania State University has and always will be that athletic participants are students first. Success with honor has always been the mantra at Pennsylvania State University. Success means more than athletic victories it is the growth of the individual as a student and citizen that is our definition of success.
For the Glory,
Thomas M Kupchinsky '69, '78g
Rosemarie T Kupchinsky

To Whom It May Concern:

The Faculty Senate wouldn’t stand-up for the University when the Board and Erickson failed to do so by condemning the unwarranted sanctions that the NCAA enacted against our athletics program, more specifically our football team.  Knowing that we have no “culture” problem at Penn State when it comes to the relationship between athletics and academics, and to the contrary that Penn State has an exemplary track record with respect to the academics of our student athletes, they decided to remain silent failing to challenge the NCCA’s assertions of a “culture” problem allowing those outside of the Penn State community to believe that there is a “culture” problem at Penn State with respect to our athletics program and academics.

My question is why must they make any resolution furthering the headlines in the Sandusky case and giving weight to the perception that there is a “culture” problem at Penn State when it comes to athletics and academics? 

The refrain from the Board and President Erickson has been to move on, yet the Board and President Erickson keep making statements and now the Faculty Senate wishes to enact a resolution that will further perpetuate headlines in relation to the Sandusky case, negative media coverage.  The Sandusky case has nothing to do with academics at Penn State.  Besides, the obvious sympathy for the victims of Jerry Sandusky, the common sense support for transparency and accountability as they relate to the University’s governance, the resolution is nothing but reaffirming the mission established by their charter, thus creating unnecessary negative publicity for the University.  With all of the money that the University is spending on PR and crisis management, you’d think that advice against perpetuating additional negative headlines would be paramount.  The Faculty Senate had their chance at relevancy in this case to stand up for the exemplary academic culture of student athletes at Penn State, that all Penn Staters know and are proud of, they failed to do so.  There’s no reason to seek relevancy now.  The resolution is unnecessary, serving no purpose but to perpetuate additional negative publicity for the University and continue the perception or even expand the perception that academic integrity is tied to the Sandusky case.  For the sake of the University this resolution should be not be passed.

Thane J. Fake
PSU ‘98

Don't you dare ! They sold out PSU!

Mr. Backer,
I'm very disappointed to see you are considering a resolution in praise of University leaders at your December meeting. Is there not one sane person remaining in leadership at Penn State? This resolution is ridiculous and foolish. What concerning Penn State has been PROVEN at this point?? Erickson and the Board of Trustees are not only unworthy of praise, they should all resign given their handling of this situation. WAKE UP!

Mr. Backer,

  As a PSU 75 and 78 grad, husband of a 74 and 75 grad, parent of a 2002 and 2005 grad and as an adjunct faculty member please accept my strong opposition to the resolution proposed by Senator Beebee.  I do not support the Board of Trustees and will continue to work to dispose of most of them.

respectfully and For the Glory,

Dr. John R Gray

Dear Larry: 
Please share my comments on the proposed Faculty Senate resolution that will be on the table for approval in December. I was unable to post a comment on the website and I’ll assume that was intentional. 
I am appalled the Senate would even consider such a resolution – especially after refusing to challenge the unfair sanctions imposed by the NCAA. This resolution further reinforces Mark Emmert’s notion that our multi-year punishment was well-deserved. 
It’s apparent that the same physician who removed Rodney Erickson’s backbone has now begun working on the university senators. 
I would guess that the Senate is being bullied by the Board of Trustees. Shame on you for not having the courage to stand up for what is right. 
A vast majority of our 600,000 alumni feel as I do: 
·         WE ARE tired of apologizing. 
·         WE ARE NOT MOVING FORWARD until Joe Paterno is vindicated and receives the recognition from the university he deserves for his untiring efforts at Penn State. 
·         WE ARE united in our desire to have the Board of Trustees, who were in power last November, resign immediately. With new leadership, perhaps THEN we can begin to move forward.
 If this resolution passes, the next resolution should support the immediate closure of the Commonwealth Campuses. Why might you ask?
 As the number of prospective students wishing to attend Penn State declines each year, maintaining the University Park campus at full-capacity must become a top priority. Countless empty classroom buildings and dormitories will be not only an embarrassment, but and a lasting memorial to spineless leaders who refused to allow due process to take place while covering their butts for their actions since 2011.
 Show some courage and defeat this resolution!
 Thomas M. Bradley ’71, ‘74g
Altoona, PA

Dear Larry Cata Backer,

I have been unable to use the comment function on the website, so am e-mailing my comment.  Thank you for the opportunity to share my views.

I find this to be a weak statement that adds almost nothing to the ongoing conversation about supporting appropriate changes at Penn State.  Frankly, I don't see the point of this resolution, except to make the FS feel like you are "doing something."  I was extremely disappointed that the FS did not endorse the letter from the former FS chairs, a statement that is a perfect role for the faculty, one that emphasizes depth and breadth of experience with student-athletes and the academic climate in general.  I am sorry to be harsh, but undermining that powerful, clear statement of support for the true nature of Penn State was a cowardly act on the part of the FS.  I am an alumna, and a university professor elsewhere.  If ever there was a time for courage of convictions by Penn State faculty, this is the time.  The resolution proposed here does not honor our school.

Alice W. Pope
BA '79, MA '83, PhD '86


I was unable to post at the site yesterday so I am emailing directly to you.  I am completely opposed to any effort by the Faculty Senate to support this so called leadership with a resolution to support what is basically now the Penn State way and that is to just accept guilt and move on.  If there is one group that should have openly protested the NCAA sanctions and a reference to a culture at Penn State it is the Faculty Senate.  Yes, our thoughts are with the victims but I still do not understand why Penn State believes that they must be the University responsible for all child abuse and just pay any lawsuit that is slapped against them when there were many other local and state agencies that did not stop Sandusky.  As an Alum I am sick and tired of being guilty by association.  This is a criminal matter no different than when executives of a corporation are found guilty of wrong doing.  You do not punish the employees, in this case everyone associated with Penn State, for the actions of a few.  Let the court system decide who is or is not guilty.  Is Penn State going to court or are a few people going to court?

Rick ‘75

You must stress to the Faculty Senate that what they do at this time reflects on a student body that is the future of our nation. They are sending these young people the message “When something is wrong, it need not be corrected if it takes too much effort- just move on- get over it”. This injustice must be corrected before we all can move on and the election in PA shows the people of the Commonwealth agree it needs to be addressed. Who else to lead this “proof of truth” then the faculty of the largest university of PA. Earn your reputation as leaders in the State....your tenure is safe.

It amazes me that the trustees continue to operate at the sterile level in dealing with this situation.  I would much prefer they pass something that results in every trustee in place at the time of Paterno's firing be scheduled for eary departure on a staggered basis over the next two years.  Their sense of self=preservation makes politicians look benevolent.
Jerome Trexler

Good Morning Mr. Backer,
As a currrent Penn State Alumnus, I would respectfully request the faculty senate NOT release the proposed statement.  I feel it is premature to issue a statement of support for the President and BOT based on the University's ever evolving situation.  There are rumors of more indictment's which may or may not involve the BOT.  I would preach patience in any release of statements at this point.  Can we please show some restraint and let due process play out in it's entirety before taking actions which may later be regretted....or worse, cast an even more negative light on the University.
Lee Evans

Mr. Backer,
Somehow I am unable to post comments on the faculty senate blog.  Here are mine which I authorize, and hope you will, make public:

Regarding point 1, I think that to support the very people responsible during this period of institutional oversight lacks the very transparency and accountability to which it aspires. Regarding point 2, I would like to know what facts are used, and what parts of the PSU enterprise are identified in concluding that PSU has been delinquent in the culture that for years the above mentioned group has praised as the Stanford of the East. If you can’t site the areas of deficiency how will you know when you are successful?  And finally regarding point 3, pledging your best efforts in areas of responsibility such as these should be fundamental in nature.  Quite frankly this is a lot of fluff that is insulting to hear presented as a worthy response from a worthy portion of a worthy institution, the need for which has been created by actions and inactions of the people in charge, not the institution itself or the students and vast majority of alumni who are the product of the institution.  It is time someone gets serious about what the problem was and is.  The institution is fine.  The people running the institution need to be scrutinized and their and their successors, where needed, need to be watched to verify the integrity with which they conduct their efforts to meet their responsibilities. Money has become too much the driving force, so important that principles of integrity and character are secondary issues to the people in charge.  The objectivity of the people in charge is tainted as a result of the number of alumni given these positions of authority.  We need outside influence.  Check the boards of peer institutions and see the percent of outsiders that make up their boards. Until different steps are taken, I do not take Penn State’s recovery efforts seriously.

Brad Palmer, AIFA®
The Conestoga Group, Inc.
Swedesford Corporate Center
601 Swedesford Road
Frazer, PA  19355

This is in reference to your post from  (included below). 

1.       General: I would consider holding off on praise for the University Leaders.  MANY, MANY people believe that current leadership of Penn State have caused the crimes of one man, Jerry Sandusky to ruin the University’s reputation and you are insulting these people by releasing this statement-- especially at this time prior to due process (Curley, Schultz and Spanier).  Release of this statement will cause MORE drama. 
2.       If it is necessary to release some form of statement, I would suggest changing  the first paragraph to:
“In light of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, and the conviction and sentencing of Jerry Sandusky, the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of these his crimes, and to extend its sympathy to all of Jerry Sandusky’s victims and victims everywhere. victims of these proven criminal actions. The Senate furthermore hereby:” 
The Freeh report and resulting NCAA sanctions are not criminal proceedings that are proven and the way this paragraph is written, it looks like you are saying this.  Do everyone a favor, avoid the drama that will occur as a result of saying this, and remove it.   
3.       I like the second and third bullets.  The first should go – there are so many people that are angry at the way blame for a “cover-up” was placed on four people, that this again will just cause more drama.  If it’s not necessary, don’t say it.  I believe that it is not necessary.
Thanks you for your time. 
Name withheld
Add me -- another Penn State alumni -- to the list of people who beg you not to approve this resolution. Erickson and the BOT have done more damage to Penn State than even Sandusky. Do not become part of the group doing damage to the school. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/17/12

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on 11/16/12
The comments regarding the proposed resolution are largely, if not entirely, unsupportive of this action. You can include me as another dissenter for various reasons which have already been expressed by others on this comment board. It should be abundantly clear that that most members of the current BOT should have resigned already for failed leadership during a time of crisis in November 2011. Besides resigning, the structure of the BOT should be immediately revised to eliminate governor-appointed positions and corporate positions, both of which place those members in conficts of interest. The number of unanswered questions which persist, in addition to the numerous disingenuous actions which the President and BOT have taken, do not warrant any degree support by the Faculty Senate. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/11/12
How can you support a Board and a President who: meet in secret, act in haste, TOTALLY neglect their fiduciary responsibilities (crisis plan, anyone?), fire long-time dedicated employees without a hearing and even a shred of Cause (Joe Paterno), throw other long-time employees under the bus (decline to renew Tim Curleys contract even BEFORE his trial?), exhibit a total lack of civility and human decency (remove the Paterno statue on the first year anniversary (to the DAY!) of Joe Paterno's death (Sue Paterno was not advised and had planned to take her grandchildren there that day), decline to 'do their homework' and value a document they paid MILLIONS for by NOT READING IT, have publically stated that the truth does not matter and that it is time to move on, limit "Public Expression" at Board Meetings to THIRTY MINUTES per meeting and require that all comments be submitted ahead of time and reserve the right to deny anyone the right to speak (lets see, 30 minutes per meeting times how on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/11/12
I believe one day history will record president-select Erickson and the “unanimous” BoT (those who fired Paterno) as the biggest failures in character and leadership the university has ever suffered through. Perhaps the Senate should be investigating bringing criminal charges against Erickson and the BoT, but absolutely NOT praising them for their spineless, short-sighted, cover your own @sses behaviors that continue to this day. We will not “move on” or rest until justice has had an opportunity to be heard! on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/11/12
Is this the Faculty Senate's bid to become Vichy Penn State? on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/10/12
If you follow this path, then when the truth finally comes out, you will have damaged forever the integrity of the world class faculty at PSU. M.Miller class of '72 on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/9/12
My comments to the PSU Faculty Senate were sent to Larry's e-mail address. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/9/12
What is this, the "anti-resolution" to the admirable resolutions that were unfortunately voted down at the last Senate meeting? This anti-resolution seems dedicated to giving priority to appearance over truth. It attempts to create a false image of assumed guilt of those who have not received due process (and in the case of Paterno, will never receive due process in his life time) in hope that the public will look more favorably on the rest of us. "Going forward" should mean constructive progress based on a commitment to find the truth, not a smoothing-over, a cover-up, or a willingness to pay penance for crimes we did not commit. Although I appreciate some of the attempts at transparency, there is something terribly wrong about the secret deal with the NCAA. Ed Ray said Penn State was never threatened with the death penalty. The NCAA said they would never want to harm Penn State's athletic programs beyond football, which is exactly what would happen if the death penalty were imposed. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/9/12
What is this, the "anti-resolution" to the admirable resolutions that were unfortunately voted down at the last Senate meeting? This anti-resolution seems dedicated to giving priority to appearance over truth. It attempts to create a false image of assumed guilt of those who have not received due process (and in the case of Paterno, will never receive due process in his life time) in hope that the public will look more favorably on the rest of us. "Going forward" should mean constructive progress based on a commitment to find the truth, not a smoothing-over, a cover-up, or a willingness to pay penance for crimes we did not commit. Although I appreciate some of the attempts at transparency, there is something terribly wrong about the secret deal with the NCAA. Ed Ray said Penn State was never threatened with the death penalty. The NCAA said they would never want to harm Penn State's athletic programs beyond football, which is exactly what would happen if the death penalty were imposed. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/9/12
What is this, the "anti-resolution" to the admirable resolutions that were unfortunately voted down at the last Senate meeting? This anti-resolution seems dedicated to giving priority to appearance over truth. It attempts to create a false image of assumed guilt of those who have not received due process (and in the case of Paterno, will never receive due process in his life time) in hope that the public will look more favorably on the rest of us. "Going forward" should mean constructive progress based on a commitment to find the truth, not a smoothing-over, a cover-up, or a willingness to pay penance for crimes we did not commit. Although I appreciate some of the attempts at transparency, there is something terribly wrong about the secret deal with the NCAA. Ed Ray said Penn State was never threatened with the death penalty. The NCAA said they would never want to harm Penn State's athletic programs beyond football, which is exactly what would happen if the death penalty were imposed. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/9/12
How can any self-respecting Faculty Senate member be told that the culture is one of football reverence rather than academic excellent and then vote to support the people who made that assertion? Our University is collapsing from the inside out. Where are the voices of sound judgment? It would be much sounder judgment to not vote for this measure, than to vote for it. Why? Because no one knows were this sad situation is going to head or where it will end. Trials haven't even started. Think for a second, what if a current BoT member gets indicted and convicted. Were does that leave the Faculty Senate? It leaves the University with a further degradation of its reputation. It says the educators were not smart enough to analyze the risks of the situation! Sound familiar? That is what happened with our BoT! Ladies and gentlemen of the Faculty Senate I urge you to think about what you are planning to vote on. The wrong vote could lead to further damage to our University. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/8/12
Re: "This more of the "moving on" theme that the Board has been trying to cram down our throats and it's not going to work!" "Moving on" is what a drunk driver wants to do after he causes a multi-vehicle wreck and possibly some fatalities. That's when he becomes a drunk hit and run driver. The Trustees similarly caused a catastrophe for Penn State on Nov. 9 2011 and now, like a drunk hit and run driver, they want to move on. This resolution should be voted down unequivocally by the Faculty Senate. In addition, the Chairwoman of said Board, along with Mark Dambly, is now a proven liar for her statement in the Penn Stater (p. 41, bottom) that the Board will not make statements about the guilt of anybody named in the Freeh Report, when she did so herself in July ("Paterno's record has been marred") as did Ken Frazier, even more explicitly. The Faculty Senate cannot honorably condone lack of integrity among the Trustees any more than it can condone academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
in response to This more of the "moving on" theme that the Board has been trying to cram down our throats and it's not going to work! There are too many unanswered questions and we are not going to move on or lend support to any of the individuals or governing bodies at PSU until we hear the REAL AND TRUE answers! My feelings toward the board at this point border on disgust and if the Faculty Senate doesn't soon stand up for what's right, they are going to be taking the seat directly behind them. It is absolutely possible to feel outrage at the perpetrator, and sorrow and compassion for the victims of these horrific crimes and still stand up and defend the honor of PSU. WHEN IS SOMEBODY GOING TO DO IT?????, by Linda Berkland.
on 11/8/12
Last time I checked we lived in America where everyone is granted due process. Apparently PSU BOT doesn't agree with the bill of rights. Ken Frazier made a statement, that in hindsight the BOT would have done things differently. Paterno was fired for following procedures & using that statement. Why does the executive committee still have jobs. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/8/12
What is wrong with the faculty at PSU???? That you would even consider supporting Erickson and the BOT's is a joke. Have you no guts or how did they buy you off?? It has basically been indicated that PSU is a "football culture" which negates everything you as the faculty and students at PSU have accomplished!!!!! on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
Karen Dahl
on 11/8/12
Yes, it appears Mr. B took the easy way out. on Michael Bérubé: On the Road From the Paterno Family Professorship in Literature at Pennsylvania State University
in response to Actions speak louder than words Mr. Bérubé. It appears to me that Mr. Paterno thought a lot of Mr. Bérubé as a person, but he did not feel the same. I find that to be incredibly disturbing. However, that's how people are anymore. They will do what they can to bring themselves to a positive light even if it means selling out those closest to them. We all want to be hereos. However it's only those who had courage to stand up for what's right that are remembered. The rest are disgraced and soon forgotten. That is why Joe will live forever. He gave 61 years of his time, money, heart and soul to this school. And although maybe some will deny it, it still won't change those facts. Joe had commitment to character, academics, and community like none other; and despite anything anyone can say...he will live on in the hearts and minds of millions forever. , by Anonymous.
on 11/8/12
Larry Backer and Faculty Senate: By expressing your support for Rodney Erickson and the PSU Board of Trustees, you are supporting the unsubstantiated conclusions of the Freeh report and the NCAA sanctions/penalties based upon a false document. I find this very disturbing from a professor of law to have total disregard for due process. Please do not make the old adage true which states; “those who can’t do, teach!!” Michael ’83 ‘85 on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/8/12
I would never agree to anything that supports Erickson who abandoned the students, faculty, athletes, and alumni of Penn State University. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/8/12
Please see my comments on each of your points below: · Expresses its support for President Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance; I cannot support your above point, as I do not believe that there is "greater transparency and accountability" being presented by President Erickson and especially by the Board of Trustees. The BOT continues to meet privately, excluding the alumni on important issues. The BOT has provided almost no time for alumni response (3 minutes is not sufficient time to discuss a issue important to the alumni)and this is only accorded occasionally. Further there have been repeated questions posed to the Board and the President that have gone unanswered for months. Is this open and transparent? While the BOT may disagree with the stance of many alumni, that is no reason to ignore the issues. The BOT does not represent the alumni of the Penn State University, but has on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
David Shellenbarger
on 11/8/12
Wonderful political speech. Not that we haven't had enough empty promises by our Washington, DC president and politicians running for office, now our University leadership is going down the same road. It's time for a complete housecleaning of all Trustees and President Erickson, who participated in the scandal in the first place. How can those, who let a supposed cover-up exist right under their noses be now responsible enough to do the right thing now. I repeat....political BS. I support PS4RS efforts to vote out the old and get the right people in power, who will do the right thing. While I'm still on the soapbox....Freeh Report is an inaccurate and incomplete document, which the University's response is based upon. Dare I say lack of leadership one more time???? John Waha II 1979 Science - Life Member Alumni Assoc. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
John Waha II '79 Science
on 11/7/12
Your proposed resolution is ill conceived, poorly timed and a disgrace. For you to even discuss something like this before the trials of Schultz, Curley and Spanier have concluded is irresponsible. To be clear, I am one of the thousands of angry alumni who feel Dr. Erickson and the Board of Trustees is selling the University down the river. They apparently only want to “move on” and have no interest in the truth. Had you bothered to read any of the six or seven easily available analyses of the Freeh report, you would not mention it in your resolution. Those analyses show that the report is severely flawed, mostly void of fact and was a gross waste of University funds. And, I have yet to find a single person who has actually read the entire report who finds otherwise. That the report was used by the NCAA and that President Erickson accepted the sanctions with no appeal is appalling. If you’d like a good summary of how the alumni feel about Ms Peetz’ and the Board of Trustees on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
For the BOT to pass this would be just another message to the world that the entire University was in fact responsible for the incomprehensible act of one man. The board's continued stance of apologizing to the world rather than standing up for the University and asking the world to hold off judgment till all the facts are in is a complete violation of their fiduciary responsibility to the university, its students and alumni. By the president’s own report, requests for admission are off and the University is paying millions of dollars in penalties that have yet to be proven warranted. There will be no moving on till the controversy they have created over the University through their actions is resolved by a full investigation and exposing of the facts. Please tell the Board not to compound their previous errors and please NOT pass this resolution. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
Robert Trotter '75 & '77
on 11/7/12
This is good for as far as it goes. I would add the word "far" before the word "greater" so that it reads: ...efforts to bring far greater transparency and accountability to university governance... on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
There's no doubt about expressing sorrow for the victims, but to actively approve and validate the mismanagement of Erickson and the board? It's time for the university to put up no-confidence votes for our ill-equipped leaders. But it doesn't matter-doing things like this is how PR works, and by stroking the BOT's ego the teachers are kept happy and they can plow forward with this move on campaign on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
The faculty Senate should have endorsed the letter by previous members but voted against doing so. The current proposed letter is another example of a tremendous lack of leadersthip at Penn State. Do not approve it. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
I tried to post a comment a couple of days ago, and it still has yet to appear. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
This is a sellout by people who are supposed to be educated. This looks dangerously like the BOT has put the thumb down on University Employees. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
How could you even think of supporting the President and BOT for their efforts. Don't be naive Erikson and at least some members of the BOT knew what was going on if the big four did. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
Having followed this situation from its first revelation I find it difficult to see little if any contribution by either the president or the Board of Trustees of bringing "greater transparency and accountability to university governance". I would be greatly disappointed to see the Penn State University Senate pass this resolution without striking the item referred to above. dale e landon, BA '59, MA '61 and Ph.D. (University of Illinois) '69, all degrees in history. Also past chair of the IUP University of Pennsylvania Senate. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
While I can appreciate the general bullet points the Senate states it (will) "support", "commit to" and apply "best efforts to", I am disgusted by the emphasis the Faculty Senate has placed on the "Freeh Report" and NCAA sanctions in their opening statement. This first paragraph perpetuates an implied value in the Freeh Report that does not exist. This first paragraph also places seeming support to the, as yet, inappropriate and misplaced sanctions by the NCAA. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
Seriously?! "Express support for President Rod and the BoTs....?" When will anyone, someone...faculty, president, or the BoTs stand up for our great University??! Can't "move forward" until the Prez and BoTs get gone! on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
While I can appreciate the general bullet points the Senate states it (will) "support", "commit to" and apply "best efforts to", I am disgusted by the emphasis the Faculty Senate has placed on the "Freeh Report" and NCAA sanctions in their opening statement. This first paragraph perpetuates an implied value in the Freeh Report that does not exist. This first paragraph also places seeming support to the, as yet, inappropriate and misplaced sanctions by the NCAA. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
Nice job, just a few suggested edits. In light of the Freeh Report, the NCAA sanctions, and the conviction and sentencing of Jerry Sandusky, the Faculty Senate of the Pennsylvania State University wishes to convey its deepest sorrow in the face of these crimes, and to extend its sympathy to all victims of these proven criminal actions. The Senate furthermore hereby: • Expresses its support to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance; • Affirms its commitment to continuing the cultures of excellence at Penn State: cultures of teaching, of scholarship and research, of service, of student philanthropy, and of student athletics; • Pledges its own best efforts, through its committee work, Senate Council, shared governance, and plenary meetings, to continually making Penn State a better place to work and live, and an environment where cultures of excellence can flourish. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
Excellent along with very thoughtful post! I really appreciate your time as well as effort you put in every single one of your posts, in addition to finally decided to drop a comment on one of them! I've shared your site with my other doodle kit friends, and subscribed so hopefully you do this same for me. Coursework Help | GCSE Coursework | Science Coursework | Statistics Coursework | Sociology Coursework | UK Coursework Writing | Research Paper Writing on General Education at Penn State--Responses to the Gen Ed Report
on 11/7/12
I am a 1970 graduate of Penn State University. I am more and more embarrassed about our school, but not over the fact that an employee was convicted of crimes. I am embarrassed that we continue to perpetuate the distortions that were started and continue in the media; and therefore contribute to our own demise. The responses and press releases of the BoT from the beginning of the information becoming public both accepted blame for PSU in general and assigned blame to individuals without due process. I can understand that the current senate was unwilling to endorse the statement by past senate chairs; since the BoT are your employers. That was, however, unfortunate, as the statement was comprehensive in its assessment of the events, including the Freeh report and sanctions; and Penn State’s true historical behavior and culture. In contrast, the current proposed statement is in the category of group-think and is offered to appease both the BoT and public. It would be much on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/7/12
I'm dismayed at a resolution to support Dr. Erickson and the Board of Trustees in light of their mishandling of the Freeh report and the NCAA. Their actions have done significant harm to the University, that handled in a more appropriate manner would have had vastly less damaging results. Hiring an individual versed in higher education to do an investigation rather than someone with a sordid track record like Louis Freeh reeks of anything but transparency. I was pleased with the report from the past chairs criticizing the Freeh report, but it seems current faculty have fallen for the party line. Disappointing. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
Regarding the following: The Senate furthermore hereby: Expresses its support for President Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance; How can you express support for something that they are not doing? on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
D. Bonaquist
on 11/6/12
Why aren't you furious that the Freeh report basically says that you are academic slackers who let athletes slide so they could win football games? Especially since we know that is NOT true? This resolution screams "We are guilty!", just like everything President Erickson & the BOT has done since last November. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
Ellen Brown
on 11/6/12
I don't expect anything less from the Faculty Senate. The BOT cuts their paycheck. The only culture issue at Penn State "lies" within the BOT. The Faculty Senate should challenge Freeh and NCAA based on our outstanding culture of academics, scholarships and research, of service, of student philanthropy, and the Grand Experiment of Success With Honor in athletics. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
Reads like a bunch of meaningless feel-good statements. Instead, you should be rebuking the Trustees for their lack of action and cover-up of the scandal and calling for mass resignations for those that stood by and watched and said nothing - as in all of them but the most-recent additions to the Trustees. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
This is what you need to ask yourself BEFORE you agree to any of the above resolutions: 1. Why was Governor Tom Corbett at the November 9th Board of Trustees meeting with an advanced hotel reservation, when for all prior meetings, he sent a proxy? 2. Chairwoman Karen Peetz and the Penn State Board of Trustees have repeatedly said that Tim Curley and Gary Shultz will get their "due process." Why was Joe Paterno not afforded the same consideration? What specific information did the Board of Trustees use to make their decision to terminate Paterno on November 9, 2011? 3. Where are the Penn State Board of Trustees’ meeting minutes from November 9, 2011 and why are they the only meeting minutes that have not been publicly released, even after repeated requests, and a legal requirement to do so? 4. Why did the Board of Trustees immediately grab power from Graham Spanier, force his resignation, and not allow him to manage the crisis from day one? What facts did they have to inform this on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
Thank you faculty for weighing in on this in a timely manner. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
Actions speak louder than words Mr. Bérubé. It appears to me that Mr. Paterno thought a lot of Mr. Bérubé as a person, but he did not feel the same. I find that to be incredibly disturbing. However, that's how people are anymore. They will do what they can to bring themselves to a positive light even if it means selling out those closest to them. We all want to be hereos. However it's only those who had courage to stand up for what's right that are remembered. The rest are disgraced and soon forgotten. That is why Joe will live forever. He gave 61 years of his time, money, heart and soul to this school. And although maybe some will deny it, it still won't change those facts. Joe had commitment to character, academics, and community like none other; and despite anything anyone can say...he will live on in the hearts and minds of millions forever. on Michael Bérubé: On the Road From the Paterno Family Professorship in Literature at Pennsylvania State University1 replies.
on 11/6/12
What a bunch of wusses. Those action verbs are so weak. You all should be challenging the president and board of trustees, not hugging them. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
What a bunch of wusses. Those action verbs are so weak. You all should be challenging the president and board of trustees, not hugging them. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
Senator Thomas O. Beebee said that the senate: "Expresses its support for President Rodney Erickson and the Board of Trustees in their efforts to bring greater transparency and accountability to university governance." I find this entire paragraph to be a complete joke and an insult to anyone not trapped in an academic ivory tower. Erickson and the Trustees have made ZERO efforts at transparency and accountability when it comes to the Sandusky scandal. The Freeh report is a scandal all on it's own, and using it as if it were an official legal document is the most irresponsible act that the trustees could have taken. Why did Erickson and the trustees engage in this obvious rush to judgement that doesn't have an endorsement from a single law enforcement agency? Why does the NCAA get $60 million? Are they in a unique position to make sure that the money gets to the vicitms? I hardly think so. The trustees have given the money to one of the biggest bureaucracies every created, and on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
The BoT has done nothing since the beginning of this nightmare but spend money to cover their own liability. If they are in charge, as they say time and again, each and every one of them who was in office during the time these crimes happened should have resigned by now. If they haven't, there's no time like the present. The idea that the Senate Council is thinking of publishing support can be nothing more than pandering at its finest. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
You can't be serious. They sold us down the road. They didn't even read the That Great so called investigated Freeh report and let the NCAA impose those sanctions without a fight. You call that tranparency. They put PSU in the spotlight and we the alumni are getting the greef. Friends are critizing our school all the time. I think we should get rid of the whole bunch. They are a bunch of cowards. None of them come close to Joe Pa in their love and respect for PSU. You want to honor them after you disgraced Joe. Where's the proof that he did anything wrong. You are a sick bunch. on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
Richard Hunter
on 11/6/12
How can you support both Erickson and the BOT when they threw Penn State and Joe Paterno under the bus. They been an embarassment to all Penn State alumini and their employees for rolling over to the NCAA and the media. If anything you should be asking for their resignation due to the fact the Freeh report is highly flaw and complete investigation was never conducted regarding the real villians. DCW, Second Mile Foundation and Governor Corbett. At least the new AG Kane will find out the truth. Anyway who wrote this President Erickson. I was at the Penn State/Ohio State game and when Erickson name came over the loudspeaker he was heavily booed. The Senate need to support an investigation to find the true facts rather than roll over like everyone else. Bob Fetrow PSU '79 on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders
on 11/6/12
Nothing in the Freeh Report or The NCAA Sanctions have been "proven" and nothing anybody employed by PSU allegedly did has been "proven" to be a crime. Therefore, paragraph one should only reference the crimes of Jerry Sandusky. Rodney Erickson and The BOT have been anything but "transparent". There is a great deal of confusion about what Erickson did or did not say to the NCAA; what the NCAA said to him. The BOT refusal to answer legitimate questions, provide information or explanations is anything but transparent. And they are providing anything but "governance" Any reference to Erickson and The BOT will just draw attention to their shortcomings. The larger issue is why do you feel the need to make a statement now and why a statement like this rather than a demand for an independent investigation, a release of all information, especially who on The BOT did what relative to the lynching of Joe Paterno and the acceptance of the Freeh Report without it ever being read or discussed? on Senate to Consider Resolution in Praise of University Leaders

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